
Anticipate Problems In Choosing Investment Property

No single property can fit all of the investment goals and rules an investor has set. Even if the investor tried to build a property to specifications, he would find some things “not quite right”. The investor is, therefore, wise to anticipate problems and have some basic strategies for dealing with them. Here are some […]

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Information For The New Property Manager

There may be lengthy negotiations between the owner of a property and the management company before a management contract is signed. When the management plan has been worked out between them, the management company is hired and the manager takes charge of the property. At this time the manager must collect great amounts of information […]

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Lease Negotiations With Large Corporations

A few years ago, senior corporate managers were able to make major real estate decisions by themselves. Now, a negotiating team will negotiate leases. This team may consist of legal counsel, finance department representatives, outside specialists such as real estate brokers or tenant representatives, design and engineering consultants, and others. In today’s market, corporate tenants […]

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Variations In The Shopping Center Lease

When leases for shopping centers are being drafted, they can be more difficult than most other commercial leases. In a shopping center, the owner wants the leases to be as uniform as possible, but knows that each lease must have variations to meet the individual tenant’s particular problems in business and in certain size or […]

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A Comfort Zone in Loans and Investments

Each investor has a “comfort zone” about loans. The leverage seeker wants the largest loan that is practical. Others may have experience or training that calls for no loans at all. They must have the property free and clear. Most of us have a loan comfort zone somewhere between these extremes. Nearly everyone accepts the […]

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Investing In Land For Long-Term

Land is always a good investment for the long term. In past years when investors made real estate investments, one consideration was the tax shelter of certain investments. Now, with fewer shelters, real estate investments must make sense as a dollars and cents return on capital, and must stand alone as a good business move. […]

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