
The Assemblage Option

The option is an extremely versatile investment tool that comes in a variety of forms and can be used for a variety of purposes. The best part of an option is that it gives the optionee (the party holding the option) control over property (in the sense of the right to acquire it) for a […]

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The Appropriate Management Plan

Real estate investments can be set up to generate one or more types of returns: • Cash flow to owners (yield or return on investment). • Appreciation of owner’s capital (capital appreciation). • Shelter of cash flow and/or other income from taxation (tax benefits). • Preservation of capital (safety). Once the owner specifies the type(s) […]

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Preventative Maintenance Inspections

Maintenance of any rental building, either residential or commercial, should be handled as much as possible as a routine rather than an emergency. Preventative maintenance must be performed on a regular basis to keep the level of service at the property high and to reduce equipment breakdowns and service interruptions. Toward this end, the maintenance […]

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Preparing A Loan Request Package

When preparing a loan request package for presentation to the lender, the real estate borrower must be as complete as possible the first time. Insufficient, imprecise, or incorrect data in a loan request package can mean a rejection for an otherwise attractive real estate loan. Following are suggestions on things to include with the loan […]

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A Few Energy Saving Tips

Conserving energy is important to everyone. Not only does energy conservation save consumers and businesses money, it saves precious resources for future use. Saving energy is much easier than many people think. Insulating homes and commercial buildings, changing to double pane windows, lowering or raising the setting on the thermostat by just a few degrees […]

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Alternative Rental Suggestions

When there are vacancies in commercial buildings, tenants may feel that they are in a good position to seek concessions from landlords on new leases or in exchange for extending or renewing existing leases. Landlords are apt to make deals for two reasons: (1.) The landlord may be facing high vacancy rates, and (2.) The […]

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